Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Boring day with sun sky high. Nothing to do but day dreaming and I came out with something. Something that I would to share with you guys. To me basically there are two main clubs that have been going for so long. If we don't really pay attention to it, we might just slipped through it. It's kinda sad thou when these clubs which you do not wish to see come about you, stalking you. These clubs are the Utilizer's Club and THE Spare Tyre's Club. IF you think you are doing the right thing, one advice for you. THINK TWICE so that your name would not be registered automatically to those clubs. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all. Have fun.
Peace y'll.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ma wonderful birthday....

This is what I got for my 19th birthday from my love ones. A lovely card filled with all the wishes for me. A cake which is my favourite. And the best among all of these is the NIKE basketball. That's my 1st, OFFICIALLY MINE. I wanna thank you guys for making my day. Making me feel so warm and loved. Thanks. I will never ever forget about this.

MonKEY rite here...PEACE y'll....